Monday, February 7, 2011

Spinning stillness

Let the hours crawl as they did

as a child, watching a spider

webbing air and want into bait.

Pouring imagination into silk

or a velvet tofu of memories.

Leonardo hung a dewdrop on

a loop and peered through it

to paint his Mona Lisa.

He never stopped painting the center

of his universe and ours.

Gandhi spun back and then forth,

solving the puzzle of global warming

long before it flew like a fishing fly

across the professor’s graph.

Sit still, pay attention reminds Emily,

eyes distilling sherry into cognac.

Returning from vacation, I unrolled

a mahogany Guan Yin with curled fingers

coiled up in too many scarves and

her other hand pouring her heart out, my eyes

gilded with too many photos, day and night

flipped, my head swimming in sameness.

Eyes unable to close in the dark,

I feel dust motes land on my nose

or watch them bounce across a heat vent

and gleam a moment across empty space

then join the thick dark felt of the world.

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