Beetles and fungus turn
anorexic and shy away from
Siberian, Canadian and
Patagonian bark.
Trees, shrubs and weeds uproot
and slouch north yearly
while sea corals shimmy
past cables under the sea.
Polar bears, seals and walruses
graze alongside deer, moose, cattle
and sheep, eager as border collies.
Glaciers gorge on ice and exit
the Palm Beach-Palm Springs diet.
Methane clathrates recrystalize
instead of foaming at the mouth
of subsea rivers and volcanoes.
Christians, Muslims and Jews
plus a Buddhist and Hindu
or two (as in two billion)
in timed, unified prayer
herd Indian monsoon rainclouds
over North Africa and lift
the coasts and river fronts of
Bangladesh, Venice and
Micronesia, then pledge sex
only on holidays.
Rain, fruits and rice return
to inland Australia like
green boomerang.
Rambo, the Terminator
and Superman join forces
to bottle blizzards and spread
frosting across the poles.
And yes, Virginia, Santa Claus
wanders the streets in a
tatty red suit homeless, stuffing
coal into the socks of energy
execs and K Streeters
even as they wear them.
Polemic is not good poetry. But sometimes you need a frying pan or a two by four to get their attention.